Jun 7, 2015

Religion Talk

Religions is a powerful thing. It could move the hearts of people but it could also be the main reason behind every deadly wars that ever happened in human history. It is going to be a long day if we talk about religion. It is indeed an endless talks. And will takes another days to find out which is the right one among all religions in the world. Well, that's not what I want to talk here. I am not going to preach anything here, I just want to give an easy case as a contemplation for all of us. Most of us have this one big question deep down in our heart. Why am I alive? What is the reason and the purpose of this life? Why every religions seems have the same purpose and sound similar but they claim they are different and that theirs is the one who's right. I don't know the answer too. Like a story in a best selling novel, I think we only could find the answer at the very last chapter of its story. Keeping the question in mind, we only have to move progressively chapter by chapter to finally find the last piece of our mystery. Though I am still doubt now if I will be able to find the answer in time.

Human by his capability as the most intelligent creature has been trying to find the answer through Science. But some of them, some of us, after knowing it became very skeptical about God. Not to mention the other party who's having faith in God through Science. Some of them, some of us, have believed that Science approves that God must exist. But on the contrary, some of us trying to prove that everything came from nature, by Science through calculations that can be solved. Until I read one book and find the theme of this book is very interesting, the cross-path between Science and Religion. This conversation pieces was taken from a book I am currently reading, Angels & Demons by Robert Langdon. It is a pieces of conversation between the main character in this book, Prof. Langdon and Ms. Vittoria, about God in a point of view of Science.

V: "Do you believe in god?"
L: "I want to believe."
V: "So why don't you?"
L: "Well, it's not that easy. Having faith requires leaps of faith, cerebral acceptance of miracles--immaculate conceptions and divine interventions. And then there are the codes of conduct. The Bible, the Koran, Buddhist Scriptures... they all carry similar requirements--and similar penalties. They claim that if I don't live by a specific code I will go to hell. I can't imagine a God who would rule that way."
V: "I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believed in God. There is a difference. Holy scripture is stories... legends and history of man's quest to understand his own need for meaning. I am asking you if you believe in God. When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staring up at the work of God's hand?"
L: "What do you think of religion?"
V: "Religion is like language or dress. We gravitate toward the practices with which we were raised. In the end, though, we are all proclaiming the same thing. That life has meaning. That we are grateful for the power that created us."
L: "And God? Do you believe in God?"
V: "Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to."
L: "So you believe God is fact, but we will never understand him."
V: "Her."
L: "Mother Earth."

Honestly, I was once a religious person too. Trying to obey every rules in the holy Bible. Because that was the only language I know to communicate with God. But now that I have a new perspective about God, about religion, and about nature, I take a step aside to view this subject in a pure and ordinary way. I feel there is something else that I should look for instead of trying to meet every demands in the scriptures. Something more divine. I am trying to find the meaning of life by living my life in natural way, hope to find God by looking into nature in a deeper way. Hoping by preserving this Mother Earth and trying to cherish everyone around me, I could feel grateful enough to thank and believe in God. Nature has many mysteries yet to find. Same as human heart.

Trying to understand God through His creations.
Jun 1, 2015

Jose Gonzales - Every Age

I am contemplating through this song and through the lyrics I am trying to find the meaning of this life.

Every age has its turn
Every branch of the tree has to learn
Learn to grow, find its way,
Make the best of this short-lived stay

Take this seed, take this spade
Take this dream of a better day
Take your time, build a home
Build a place where we all can belong

Some things change, some remain
Some will pass us unnoticed by
What to focus on, to improve upon
In the face of our ancient tribes

Feels so clear, feels so obvious
To each one on their own
But we are here, together
Reaping what time and what we have sown

We don't choose where we're born
We don't choose in what pocket or form
But we can learn to know
Ourselves on this globe in the void

Take this mind, take this pen
Take this dream of a better land
Take your time, build a home
Build a place where we all... can belong

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